Business Overview
Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited is a Thai energy company that operates in tandem with socio-environmental responsibility. Its core business is petroleum refining to produce high-standard products from domestic and international sources.
In 2023, our total production capacity was 294,000 barrels per day, consisting of 120,000 barrels of installed capacity from Bangchak Phra Khanong Refinery and 174,000 barrels of installed capacity from Bangchak Sriracha Refinery, from which products are sold through a network of 1,389 gasoline service stations nationwide supervised by Bangchak, with an additional 830 service stations acquired through business acquisitions, for a total of 2,219 stations. Also expanded its business into the oil trading business, clean energy business, biological products business. Natural resource business and new business development The company The ultimate goal is to create energy security for the country. Expand investment into new businesses to create continuity and sustainability for the business.
Total nameplate capacity of
Deliver products and services across the network of
Bangchak operates
Financial Highlights 2023
Sales and Service Revenue
Total Assets
The Company is committed to meeting the needs and expectations of all its stakeholders, including the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It also applies the criteria for assessing its sustainability performance with national and global standards, covering governance, environmental, and social aspects to reduce risks and business impacts, and to explore opportunities for continuous improvement in work processes and operate the business with sustainability compliance with global sustainability standards in order to improve the adaptability of the Company to global changes and emerging issues.
The Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee (SCGC), working alongside the Enterprise-wide Risk Management Committee, oversees, reviews practices, and formulates policies regarding sustainability and corporate governance.
The Company conducts its sustainability operations through supervision from the Sustainability Policy Committee (SPC), chaired by the Group’s CEO and president with business group executives and functional group managers acting as committee members.
The SPC defines the goals, directions, policies, and strategies for the Company and its subsidiaries’ sustainability direction by aligning them with the SDGs, organizational sustainability assessments, and stakeholder expectations. It holds regular at least biannual meetings to ensure collaboration and communication.
The sustainability policies and goals established by SPC are implemented by various departments and committees related to corporate sustainability. The Sustainability Management Committee (SMC) oversees this process by monitoring, collecting, and evaluating the progress and performance of each unit and reporting the results to the SPC at least on a biannual basis. The SPC will then communicate the sustainability performance to the Risk Management Subcommittee, the Enterprise-wide Risk Management Committee, and the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee on a biannual basis, respectively.
The SMC consists of executives from Bangchak Group. In 2023, the focus is on developing a strategy to address climate change within the BCP316NET framework, aiming for the Net Zero GHG Emissions target by 2050.
Bangchak at a Glance in 2023
Revenue from selling of goods and services
EBITDA by business group
Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group
Marketing Business Group
Clean Power Business Group
Bio Based Products Business Group
Natural Resource Business and Business Development Group
Bangchak Sriracha Business Group
Corporate Governance

The excellent ranking (five emblems) under the CGR (Corporate Governance Report) survey of listed companies
Suppliers had been certified by the CAC
Percentage of executives and employees acknowledging the Anti-Corruption Policy and passing the test
No Gift Policy for
Percentage of notification of the online conflict of interest
Supply chain management
Local purchases of goods and services (Thailand)
Percentage of cost saving from strategic sourcing procurement in 2023
Percentage of tier-1 suppliers and critical non tier-1 suppliers participating in ESG risks assessment
Your Greenovative Destination
Bangchak service station
Customer satisfaction
Standard service stations
Community stations
Inthanin coffee shop
Additional network service stations
Refinery and Oil Trading Business Group
Marketing Business Group
Total water withdrawal
(Produced water from crude oil extraction/ processing, groundwater and third-party water of the refinery)